วันศุกร์ที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Camping Tents and Camping Sleeping Bags Can Be Used in Sub Zero Weather

Many people think of cold as temperatures below icy or even a petite above. Granted, a day at the beach with the climatic characteristic in the 40s would be cold but what I am referring to is temperatures well below zero and you have to get things terminated working at those temperatures. As I have lived my whole life in the north where every year we see some temperatures 30 - 40 below or colder, I will share things I learned to do to survive and even enjoy sub-zero weather.

The first item to consider is how long are you planning on spending outside during the sub-zero weather. Hardy campers may use camping tents and camping sleeping bags. Other people may only spend a few hours in the cold and some are only outdoors long enough to get to work. However, the basics remain the same.


Wear layered clothing with parkas and foot wear designed for cold weather. Many times I have observed people coming to work wearing a winter coat and complaining that they can't get warm. A lot of heat is lost through the neck and head so a parka is a must. Vanity is great but sub-zero conditions isn't the time for it.

Camping Tents and Camping Sleeping Bags Can Be Used in Sub Zero Weather

People often wear athletic shoes even in sub-zero weather since the sidewalks don't have any snow on them, not realizing that their feet have a lot of blood vessels in them. The blood vessels draw heat from the body which cools with near touch to the icy sidewalk causing the body to cool. No wonder they can't warm up. literally it can take any hours for your body to fully warm up if it gets cold.

Snow is your friend not your enemy in sub-zero condition. Snow provides insulation from the elements and although its not as tasteless as it used to be many people literally pack it nearby the house to ward off drafts. Be sure to wear your sun glasses when you are outside as the sun bounces off the snow and Uv damage to your eyes can occur in the winter.

Many out buildings are like camping tents and sleeping bags in the sense that with a petite exertion packing snow nearby them will make them a lot warmer. Be careful about running heaters in outbuildings or camping tents. Carbon monoxide which can build up is lethal. There have been a few young lovers who found this out the hard way.

Keep in mind that all takes longer and is harder to do when it is cold, along with construction a fire. First of all the clothing you wear is bulkier than summer clothing. In increasing you need to pace yourself to preclude overheating. This statement is very important. Working too hard can cause you to freeze to death.

The problem here is you perspire and wind up with wet clothing. Stopping to rest will cause your body to cool off rapidly as the moisture evaporates. The low humidity helps this along. When you are tired it is tempting rest for a while, but wet clothes will cool you off rapidly. Once your body climatic characteristic drops just a few degrees your brain starts to malfunction. It will tell you that you are now warm and you might take off some clothing. In increasing it might tell you to check out the back forty and see if the neighbors are home. It isn't likely you will make it. Any consumption of alcohol will make this problem worse as it not only opens up your blood vessels bringing body heat to the surface, but can cause you to fall asleep and not wake up in time.

If you do perspire enough to get wet clothing and you are unable to go inside loosen your clothing enough to start cooling off but keep moving. The idea is to slowly allow your clothes to dry while maintaining body heat.

At the end of a day outside do as the Finns do. Take a hot sauna. After a day outside and a hot sauna you will sleep like a baby. One thing to keep in mind, alcohol and saunas don't mix.

After trying this, if you still want to try sleeping in a camping tent and use a camping sleeping bag fetch ones that are rated for the weather you will be in. Camping tents should be canvas and be high enough to stand up in. Put some snow nearby the edges to block wind and tie the camping tent corners to something heavy or a tree. If possible pitch the camping tent where it has a wind block.

Camping sleeping bags should be rated for the weather and able to repel moisture. Don't put your camping sleeping bag directly on the ground as it needs something to insulate it from the icy ground. Snow does a good job if you want to try it.

A incorporate of tips- If you are planning on being outside in arctic type weather don't start an greatest diet. You will burn a lot of fat so be sure to eat right. Second, if traveling in arctic type weather carry a sleeping bag rated for the temperatures you are going to be in case of car failure. Unless you know where help is and it is close, it is good to curl up in your camping sleeping bag and wait for help.

Camping Tents and Camping Sleeping Bags Can Be Used in Sub Zero Weather

