วันเสาร์ที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Easy Food For Camping - 7 Tips To Make This The Best Trip Yet!

Easy Food For Camping - 7 Tips To Make This The Best Trip Yet!

Ahhh the great outdoors. You know, you've got to love it... crystal clear night sky, crisp fresh air, communing with nature. It doesn't get much better than this does it?

Or does it?! If you're like me, you're always looking for ways to make your camping experience more enjoyable.

Camping Cot

Well, how would you like some really handy tips on how to make your camping cuisine just plain easy?! (Well as close to easy as is humanly possible?)
You would, you say? Alright then, that's what I'm going to do (and you'll find more great tips and ideas when you mosey on over to here: Food For Camping. Just make sure you read these tips first!).

Easy Food For Camping - 7 Tips To Make This The Best Trip Yet!

So here we go, Easy Food For Camping 101:

1) How many times have you cooked a burger, only to find that it hasn't been done evenly? Well, no more! All you need to do is make a smallish hole in the center (like the size of your pinky) and when it cooks the hole will disappear (because eating a donut-shaped burger just isn't right) and it'll be cooked much more evenly!

2) You've heard about the Hobo Meal right? No?! Well you take your heavy-duty foil (an essential to any camping endeavor), your meat, peppers, potatoes, onions, corn etc. and pile it all into the center of the foil. Now, pull up the corners into a sack and twist that sucker closed. Throw it onto the coals and wait for some hobo-inspired tasty goodness!

3) So you're into your tuna salad huh? Well here's an idea: instead of mixing all the ingredients in a bowl, just throw them all into a sealable plastic bag, remove the air and just give it a shake to mix the ingredients. You can then just cut off a corner and squeeze out just the amount you need for your salads, sandwiches etc. But don't stop there, think how many other foods you could use this idea for... the possibilities are endless!

4) Hey, did you know that the hidden power of ice-cubes can be used to clean your grill. That's right, just after you've finished with the grill, put on the ice cubes and as they melt, the grease and dirt will fall right off. So take that evil grease-spawn! (If you really want to go to town, use our friend the handy half-an-onion to finish the job).

5) Washing up?! Yep, you know, I knew there had to be a down-side to all this tasty-food goodness. But there is a way to make it easier - if you rub some bar soot over pots and pans it helps prevent soot from building up (campfire cooking) thus making it a breeze to clean! Alright, alright, not exactly a breeze, but much, much easier!

6) Speaking of which, you know when the bar of soap gets too small to use by a normal human? Don't throw it away - make sure you've got a nylon stocking which you can put it into. The nice thing about this is that nylon lathers up really well AND you're able to tie it to a tree close to the washing up area, so you'll always have soap at hand.

7) So it's your last day, huh? But you've got all these leftovers! Don't worry about a thing. On your last day you can take all your leftovers and whack them into one tasty omelet (or a few different kinds of omelette's)! And hey, presto! No leftovers.

So there you have it, some really useful, easy food for camping tips. Hope you enjoyed them, and remember, that's just the tip of the marshmallow... there's a whole lot more, just waiting for you! So what are you waiting for!

Easy Food For Camping - 7 Tips To Make This The Best Trip Yet!

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The Best CoD Camping Spot Ever! Tube. Duration : 1.78 Mins.

twitter.com Ok guys this is by far the best spot for camping, I mean there are sleeping bags so u can look up at thr sky and watch the stars! They also give you some free food. Now doesn't the get a sub? Rate/Comment/Subscribe!!!

Tags: Call of duty modern warfare 2, cod, camper, tent, fire, cute, baby, dog, cat, ipod, tect, sub, xbox, ps3, game, guns, people, camo, move, rocks, funny, spongbob, watch, omg, lol

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Will a Memory Foam Mattress Be Too Hot For You?

Will a Memory Foam Mattress Be Too Hot For You?

One of the biggest complaints people have against their memory foam mattress is that it gets too hot. But not all beds are created equal. Due the subtle differences in chemical composition, some foam beds stay cooler than others.

The main reason that foam mattresses can get warm is that they are designed to put your body in as close contact as possible with the foam. Foam functions optimally when you are in direct contact with it. The more layers you have between you and the foam, the less effective the foam will be. However foam is also a good insulator, so getting closer creates a better feel but also means the sleep experience will be a little warmer.

Camping Cot

Innerspring beds, and many all foam beds, have a layer of polyester fiber just beneath the ticking and above the foam. This layer of filling forms a thin barrier between you and the foam, and does an excellent job of dispersing the heat from your body. But most memory foam beds do not have a fiber layer. Their cotton cover lies directly over top of the memory foam. So it's left entirely up to the foam to disperse heat from your body.

Will a Memory Foam Mattress Be Too Hot For You?

Memory foam is an open cell structure material, meaning that its cell walls are open. The open cell structure allows foam to collapse to absorb body weight and expand to provide support. It also allows heat to flow away from your body while you sleep. And this is the thing that either makes a foam bed hot or not. How well does the memory foam in your bed disperse heat? Different bed manufacturers use different foam, so the only way to really know if a bed is going to be too hot for you is to sleep on it.

How Does a Memory Foam Mattress Compare to Your Bed?

If you have ever slept on an innerspring mattress with 2" - 3" of foam, or a foam bed topper, then you may already have your answer to whether or not a memory foam mattress will be too hot for you. Most innerspring beds today have 2" - 3" of foam on top. This amount of foam will be similar to the warmth of an all foam bed.

So if you feel comfortable sleeping on an innerspring bed with a top layer of foam or a foam topper, then you will most likely feel comfortable sleeping on a memory foam mattress.

Easy Solution for a Hot Memory Foam Mattress

But what if you get a bed and decide that it's too hot, but you really love the feel? Well luckily there is a very simple solution. Mattress pads have a thin layer of polyester filling that will provide an extra layer of cool airflow between you and the memory foam. Simply purchase a mattress pad and put it over the bed, under your fitted sheet. This will draft heat away from your body before it begins to build up in the memory foam.

Will a Memory Foam Mattress Be Too Hot For You?

Relate Camping Cot Relate Video

How to keep cool if your memory foam mattress is too hot! Video Clips. Duration : 2.42 Mins.

Memory foam Mattress too Hot? www.creatingcomforts.co.uk more... Chances are that if you've heard of Outlast technology it generally means that you are into the great outdoors - skiing and extreme temperature sports or activities. If you sleep on a memory foam mattress however you'll probably suffer from overheating associated with these mattresses. Here's a solution to your problem!

Keywords: memory foam mattress, mattress too hot, night sweats, keeping cool, cool sleep, hot mattress, sweating at night

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Best Tent Camping - 3 Must-Haves For Your Tent When Camping

Best Tent Camping - 3 Must-Haves For Your Tent When Camping

Tent camping is a very inexpensive way to go camping. And these days everyone is looking for ways to save money. But there are many ways to make your tent more comfortable while camping. Below are the three things you must have for your tent.
1. Tarp - It is recommended that you lay a large tarp down underneath your tent. This will help protect your tent from small rocks and twigs on the ground and keep it cleaner on the bottom. The tarp will also act as a moisture barrier.  Make sure the tarp is large enough to have two to three feet of tarp extended out on the ground in front of your tent door. This is a great place to have campers take off their shoes before entering the tent.
2 Air Mattress - An air mattress will give you the most comfortable night sleep in a tent. It will give you extra padding between you and the ground. An air mattress is warmer than sleeping on a camping cot because there is no air underneath you like when on a cot. You can purchase a hand pump or a pump that you can plug into your vehicles cigarette lighter.
3. Battery Powered Lantern - You can bring some light into your tent at night or in the early morning hours with a battery powered lantern. This is a safe way to provide light for your campers without having a fire hazard.
So, as you can see, having a tarp under your tent and an air mattress and battery powered lantern in your tent will make your next camping trip much more comfortable.

Camping Cot

Best Tent Camping - 3 Must-Haves For Your Tent When Camping

Best Tent Camping - 3 Must-Haves For Your Tent When Camping

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Cwmcarn Forest Drive camping pods Tube. Duration : 1.13 Mins.

New for 2011 at Cwmcarn Forest Campsite we have 3 camping Pods available to hire from Easter weekend. The Heron will accommodate a family of 2 adults and 3 small children, while the Goshawk and the Kingfisher would suit 2 adults and 1 child. (Sorry not pets allowed in pods.) If you like the idea of camping, but not the bugs, then the timber framed Pod is your saviour. Just bring along your camping gear but no need to pack the tent. Our pods have a heater, a light and electic socket. The veranda is partially covered, so perfect for enjoying a meal or relaxing with a glass of wine. Ideal for a short break or over night stay without the hassle of packing away a wet tent. To book or check availability just contact the Visitor Centre on 01495 272001 (we take the first nights stay as a non-refundable deposit at the time of booking. Bank Holiday bookings must be made for 3 nights Fri - Mon). Prices Off Peak (October - April) all prices are per night Large £35.00 Small £30.00 Peak (May - September) Large £40.00 Small £35.00

Tags: Cwmcarn, Forest, Drive, clamping, wales, camping, pod, tents, mtb, weekend, bikeing, summer, family, fun, holiday, cabin, travel, outdoor, driving, survival, Village, Camp, Tent

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Staying Warm While Sleeping When Camping During the Winter

Staying Warm While Sleeping When Camping During the Winter

Winter camping isn't that bad when you are out enjoying the fire, cooking meals, moving around, and having fun. Where you actually start to feel the cold of winter is when you finally go to bed. At times one can become miserably cold making the nights a bit rough taking up your sleeping time shivering instead. There are a few things that can be done to help you sleep better.

The most obvious is to get a good sleeping bag. Find a bag that is rated for about twenty degrees below what you would realistically sleep outside in. This will provide extra heat. Look for mummy bags as they will do better during the winter since they cover your head.

Camping Cot

Try to use some sort of pad or even a cot to keep your body off the ground. The ground can cause your body to become cold if you are not careful. If you are up off the ground a bit, you will feel a few degrees warmer at night.

Staying Warm While Sleeping When Camping During the Winter

Make sure you are properly hydrated. While this doesn't always make sense to many, being hydrated is part of regulating body temperatures helping you stay cooler or warmer depending on the conditions.

One of the best tips is to change your clothes before getting into the sleeping bag especially the clothing that is touching your body. The reason is because there is a little bit of sweat in them that will end up freezing or chilling you during the night. Change into something new before getting into bed and it helps you sleep during the night.

Having too much like an extra sleeping bag, extra clothing, extra padding, or anything else is not a bad idea. It's hard to judge how you will feel until you have camped outside during the cold winter months so bring extra to find out what you need personally.

Staying Warm While Sleeping When Camping During the Winter

Relate Camping Cot Relate Video

Video Quick Tip: Keeping Warm While Camping in the Cold Tube. Duration : 0.62 Mins.

www.rei.com Ever wonder how to stay warm while cold weather camping? Just fill up a water bottle with hot water before you go to sleep. Then stick the bottle in your sleeping bag before you go to sleep. The best part is that you'll have some water to drink when you wake up instead of having to melt any snow!

Keywords: Quick Tip, Expert Advice, REI, winter, camping, keeping warm, water bottle, how to

วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Electronic Medical Records - The Pros and Cons

Electronic Medical Records - The Pros and Cons

In this digital age, more and more bulks of information which used to be paper-based, from library catalogs to telephone books, are digitized and stored in a central location for easy access. The idea of EMRs started about 40 years ago.

The main proponents of EMRs cite the following advantages:

Camping Cot

(1) The use of EHRs supposedly reduces errors in medical records. There is no doubt that handwritten records are subject to lots of human errors due to misspelling, illegibility, and differing terminologies. With the use of EMRs standardization of patient health records may eventually become acheivable.

Electronic Medical Records - The Pros and Cons

(2) Paper records can be easily lost. We have heard how fires, floods and other natural catastrophes destroy physical records of many years, data which are lost forever. Digital records can be stored virtually forever and can be kept long after the physical records are gone. EMRs also help keep records of health information that patients tend to forget with time, i.e. inoculations, previous illnesses and medications.

(3) EMRs make health care cost-efficient by consolidating all data in one place. Previously, paper-based records are located in different places and getting access to all of them takes a lot of time and money. In a systematic review, Kripalani et al. evaluated the communication transfer between primary care physicians and hospital-based physicians and found significant deficits in medical information exchange. The review recommended the use of EMRs to resolve these issues and facilitate the continuity of care before, during and after hospitalization. EMRs translates into better treatment for patients. Take the example of one asthma center's experience with EMR: "A major benefit associated with EMR implementation was the increase in the number of children who were hospitalized with an asthma exacerbation and received an asthma action plan upon discharge. Prior to the EMR system, [only] 4% received an asthma action plan upon discharge. After implementation of the EMR system, 58% received an asthma action plan upon discharge."

(4) EMRs can save lives. VeriChip, developed by VeriChip Corporation is the first one of its kind ever approved by the US FDA. It enables rapid identification of at-risk patients and access to their medical history, thereby enabling rapid diagnosis and treatment especially in emergency situations. Classic examples are people with diabetes and/or heart problems who have high risk of collapsing and having attacks. VeriChip is also useful in vehicular accidents and other trauma incidents where the victims aren't capable of answering questions. In cases of large-scale catastrophes, VeriChip facilitates tracking and identification of victims. According to a coroner in Mississippi, VeriChip helped identify victims during the Hurricane Katrina incident.

Earlier this year, Google Health was launched, an online personalized health records service. Google Health is based on the principle that since it's the patient's medical record, the patient should control it, decide what should be in it, and who gets access to it. One of the features of the service includes records from hospitals and pharmacies that are Google Health-enabled or are registered Google Health partners.

The HealthVault is another online health information storage service offered by Microsoft with features similar to Google Health. Keith Toussaint, senior program manager with Microsoft HealthVault recently stated " leading hospitals like Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center are actually integrating their systems with both us and Google -- because some people like one or the other. It's a Coke or Pepsi thing."

What are the disadvantages of EMRs? Not surprisingly, privacy rights advocacy groups are the main opponent of EMRs. Here is what they have to say:

(1) EMRs threaten our privacy. In this day and age when people's mantra is "I need my privacy", not many people are comfortable about having their entire medical history recorded and digitized for almost just anybody to see - in other words, incursion into people's privacy. The confidentiality of doctor - patient relationship is still sacrosanct. Besides, medical data can be used against a person in some cases - be it for a job application, insurance coverage or a college scholarship. Although it is against the law to discriminate against people with illnesses and disabilities, it is a fact of life that the fitter you are, the more competitive you are in the job market. The planned incorporation of genetic data in EMRs further adds to people's fear of incursion into their private sphere.

(2) EMRs can lead to loss of the human touch in health care. In the process of digitalization, the interpersonal aspect in health care may be lost. In handwritten hospital charts, doctors and other health care practitioners may write what they think and they feel based on their personal observations in their very own words. EMR is simply about ticking off boxes and crossing out things in electronic forms. The doctors are forced to think in categories and can seldom express a personal opinion on an individual case. Because of the lack of flexibility of many electronic reporting systems, cases of misclassification of patients and their conditions have been reported.

(3) EMRs are not that efficient. Despite efforts in digitalization and standardization, EMRs are actually far from being standardized and not as efficient as it is purported to be. It often happens that one clinic's EMR system is not compatible with that of a general practitioner or another clinic's system, thus belying the claim of added efficiency. In addition, not all users of EMRs are satisfied with the current state of the art. Although the objective is mainly efficiency and healthcare quality, one study showed that nurses in the Netherlands are not completely satisfied with their EMR implemented in 2006-2007.

(4) EMRs are not safe and secure. Google Health and HealthVault are quick in assuring patients of the safety of their online health accounts. Access to the patient's account is only possible using log ins and password. In addition, HealthVault assures that "all health information transmitted between HealthVault servers and program providers' systems is encrypted" and that Microsoft does it best to use the "highest standards of security to safeguard consumer health information from theft, loss, or damage."

However, there are cases wherein passwords and encryptions do not seem to be adequate as data protection tools. Stories of data hacking, stolen identities and blackmail abound. Even high security databases such as those run by banks and credit institutions are often compromised. This impression was aggravated by the many well-publicized incidences of data loss or breach. A few examples are listed below:

November 26, 2007, Canada. Hackers accessed medical information on HIV and hepatitis from a Canadian health agency computer. - September 22, 2008, UK. The National Health Service (NHS) reported the loss of 4 CDs in the mail containing information on 17,990 employees. - September 30, 2008, US. The company Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana confirmed breach of personal data, including Social Security numbers, phone numbers and addresses of about 1,700 brokers. The data was accidentally attached to a general email.

In addition, there is criticism over Google Health not being a "covered entity under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and the regulations promulgated thereunder (HIPAA)" under its terms and conditions and is therefore not subject to HIPAA privacy of individually identifiable health information. The HealthVault terms and conditions do not mention HIPAA privacy laws so it is not clear what its status is regarding this issue.

(5) VeriChip is not for humans. It is to be expected that although many of us are amenable to the use of RFID chips in pets, the idea of implanting similar chips in human beings is bound to raise hackles in humans, no matter what the US FDA says. A big opponent of the VeriChip and similar chips of its kind is the consumer advocacy group Spychip.com. In a position paper, Spychip and many advocacy and consumer awareness groups see RFID tagging (be it on your person or on the items you buy) as a major threat to privacy and civil liberties. They see the tagging as some kind of "Big Brother" operation. Another group, the No VeriChip Inside Movement, likens VeriChip as "cataloguing" humans similar to the way the Nazis have tattooed numbers on the skin of concentration camp detainees. Popular Hollywood films on privacy incursions (e.g. The Net, Public Enemy No. 1) increased further people's paranoia about personal data.

Where do we go from here? Without doubt, we have the technology to make EMRs standardized and efficient. Google Health, Microsoft HealthVault and similar online personalized health information accounts are enabling patients to take control of their medical records. The main issues that need to be overcome are data security, protection of privacy and gaining the confidence of the patients. It doesn't seem evident that the use of RFID and similar tagging chips will become acceptable or popular anytime soon. However, we live in a digital world and we cannot hold back progress indefinitely. With improved technology and data protection tools, let us hope the EMR issue will be resolved soon.

Electronic Medical Records - The Pros and Cons

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Pros & Cons of Health IT Tube. Duration : 5.87 Mins.

HITN's Destination Casa Blanca host Ray Suarez and guest panelists Danny Vargas, Sharon Baskerville, Dr. Bill Rollow and Dr. Elena Rios discuss the advantages and disadvantages of transitioning to electronic medical records and the overall health information technology system.

Tags: Health, Health IT, HIT, EMR, patient care, health disparities, health reform, Latinos, Danny vargas, Sharon Baskerville, Dr. Bill Rollow, Dr. Elena Rios, HIMMS, DC Primary Care, IBM, NHMA, Ray Suarez

วันศุกร์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Camping - A Checklist of Things to Bring

Camping - A Checklist of Things to Bring

Before you head for the campsite, make sure you have everything you need to make your travel safe, comfortable and enjoyable. Remember that failing to plan is planning to fail. But what exactly will you bring? The answer lies in figuring out what kind of a camper you are, what your comfort level is, and what style of camp will you have. The complete gear you need covers basic fire building, cooking and dining, lighting and other miscellaneous items that you think you need.

Minimalist camping

Camping Cot

These campers can do without a lot of comfort and equipment. They are willing to accept the wilderness as it is, adapting to the natural terrains and weather conditions. They prefer to sleep on the ground rather than lie on a camping cot. Their camp is sparse, creating fire rather than using a stove and lighting small candles rather than using a lantern. The minimalist really tries to experience the outdoors by choice.

Camping - A Checklist of Things to Bring

Gear-oriented camping

These campers are people who want to be comfortable and prepared. You can find chairs, tables, cots, stoves and other conveniences in their campsites. Gear-oriented campers enjoy the outdoors but they also prefer little amenities that will make their camp a home away from home. Their camping checklist is long and extensive. If you are this type of a camper, you will need some basic things such as a tent (preferably with rain fly and window), sleeping bag, stove, food and water.

In the campsite, if you need to gather some wood to build a fire, bring a small axe to split the logs. You can place your matches in a sealed container, or maybe you can carry butane lighter. Some campers bring dry logs if they are going out on a rain-soaked day.

For your hearty meals, there are a lot of easy-to-cook foods available. If you want to eat an elaborate meal however, then a more sophisticated camping stove (like those with several burners and adjustable flame) is required. Also, bring a cooler and ice packs to preserve your fresh food.

Be sure you have flashlights with extra batteries. One lantern or two will be enough to sufficiently light your camp. These lanterns can run on battery, propane or liquid fuel. Do not underestimate the value of lighting your camp at night especially if you have children with you. They will also be able to enjoy camping games with flashlights and glow sticks.

If you plan to do some hiking, you need a backpack, travel guide, compass, good shoes, extra socks, hat and a map. Don't forget to bring along a multifunction knife, which can be an indispensable tool. One model of a pocket knife even has its own reusable plastic toothpick, which you might have forgotten to include in your checklist. Also, if you like to swim or bathe in a stream or lake (which usually has rock bottoms) bring along some waterproof footgear.

Camping is a great kind of recreation. Find the right campsite for you, the right preparation, and the right tools to ensure that your trip will be memorable. Your checklist will definitely be very dynamic as you add and remove items along the way. But it is absolutely essential to ensure that you have all you need for a great camping trip.

Camping - A Checklist of Things to Bring

Look Camping Cot Relate Video

Camping Essentials Checklist from FalconGuides Tube. Duration : 3.02 Mins.

Johnny Molloy, author of dozens of FalconGuides, shares his camping essentials packing list.

Tags: how to, how-to, packing, camping, tent camping, car camping, canoe camping, camping essentials, essentials, checklist, packing list, what to bring, what to pack, lighter, headlamp, pack, camp, weather, ice, outdoor recreation, family, tent, lantern, national parks, national park, survival, map, johnny molloy, falcon, falconguides, www.falcon.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot (85"x 40")

Find Offer 120 for $113.63. Save more Teton Sports. Cheap TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot (85"x 40") Free Shipping. Save up to 50%

TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot (85"x 40") Cheap

   Brand: Teton Sports    Model : 120    Original Price : $149.99    List Price : $113.63    You Save : 24%

Cheap TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot (85"x 40") Specifications

  • Oversized camping cot with patented steel leg frame
  • Supports up to 600 pounds; heavy-duty rubber bushings
  • Compatible with custom XXL foam pad (sold separately)
  • Hassle-free setup; measures 85 x 40 inches when open
  • Folds up to 42 x 12 x 7 inches; includes carrying bag

TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot (85"x 40") Detail

A huge 85"x40" camping cot built just as rugged as it is oversized, touting a 600 pound weight capacity with patented steel leg construction. Hassle free set-up is quick and easy, but we include detailed setup instructions with photos just to be thorough. A carry bag is included for convenient storage - folding down to 42"x12"x7". Use the Outfitter XXL for camping, hunting, indoor use and more. Don't forget the Outfitter XXL foam pad designed to custom fit this Outfitter XXL cot and be prepared to sleep even more sound than you do at home, unless, of course, you sleep on this at home too. You can stop worrying about what kind of sleep you'll get while camping. This cot is so comfortable that you can use it as a guest bed when you have visitors over.

TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot (85"x 40") Sale Price

Teton Sports
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$113.63 (New)
Usually ships in 24 hours

TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot (85"x 40") Customer Rating

TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot 85x 40 Tube. Duration : 1.85 Mins.

Keywords: TETON, Sports, Outfitter, XXL, Cot, 85x, 40

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วันพุธที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot

Great This 15042 for Low Price. Selection of Texsport. Cheap Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot Trust Store. Save up to 50%

Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot Suck.

Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot Customer Rating

Top 10 Best Selling Camping Furniture Reviews Video Clips. Duration : 0.82 Mins.

Click Here For Details of Top 10 Best Selling Camping Furniture Reviews 1. Texsport La Paz Hammock www.amazon.com 2. Eagles Nest Outfitters DoubleNest Hammock www.amazon.com 3. Rio Beach Wonder Wheeler Wide Beach Cart www.amazon.com 4. WearEver Hi-Back Deluxe Steel Backpack Chair www.amazon.com 5. Grand Trunk Ultralight Hammock www.amazon.com 6. Coleman Pack-Away 4-In-1 Table www.amazon.com 7. Kelsyus Original Canopy Chair www.amazon.com 8. Guide Gear Portable Folding Hammock www.amazon.com 9. TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot www.amazon.com 10. Travelchair Slacker Chair www.amazon.com

Keywords: Camping Furniture, Camping, Hammock, Beach Cart, Backpack Chair, Canopy Chair

   Brand: Texsport    Model : 15042

Cheap Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot Feature

  • 75" x 26" x 16"
  • Sturdy aluminum frame with steel legs
  • Water resistant coated 600 denier polyester cover with Velcro® wrap around closure for quick set-up
  • Weight limit of 250 lbs.
  • Heavy-duty carry/storage bag with shoulder strap and informational panel

Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot Best Price

Sturdy aluminum frame with steel legs is what holds up the Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot. It is constructed of a water resistant coated 600 denier polyester cover with Velcro® wrap around closure for quick set-up. Includes a heavy-duty carry/storage bag with shoulder strap and informational panel.

Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot Cheapest Sale

List Price:
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$48.49 (New)
Usually ships in 24 hours

Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot Customer Rating

Top 10 Best Selling Camping Furniture Reviews Video Clips. Duration : 0.82 Mins.

Click Here For Details of Top 10 Best Selling Camping Furniture Reviews 1. Texsport La Paz Hammock www.amazon.com 2. Eagles Nest Outfitters DoubleNest Hammock www.amazon.com 3. Rio Beach Wonder Wheeler Wide Beach Cart www.amazon.com 4. WearEver Hi-Back Deluxe Steel Backpack Chair www.amazon.com 5. Grand Trunk Ultralight Hammock www.amazon.com 6. Coleman Pack-Away 4-In-1 Table www.amazon.com 7. Kelsyus Original Canopy Chair www.amazon.com 8. Guide Gear Portable Folding Hammock www.amazon.com 9. TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Cot www.amazon.com 10. Travelchair Slacker Chair www.amazon.com

Tags: Camping Furniture, Camping, Hammock, Beach Cart, Backpack Chair, Canopy Chair

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วันอังคารที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Sensa Reviews and Sensa Scam

Sensa Reviews and Sensa Scam

Sensa is a weight loss supplement that has garnered much media attention. It is a diet supplement that you sprinkle on to all the foods you eat, which helps to overcome your biological desire to overeat by using your senses of smell and taste. When this happens, you will naturally eat less, and consume less calories leading to weight loss. However, for individuals with diminished or no sense of taste or smell, Sensa will not work.

Dr. Hirsch, the creator of sense, claims that the weight loss effectiveness of Sensa is supported by a clinical trial involving 1436 men and women. In the 6 months test period, the participants that used Sensa achieved a 30.5 pound average weight loss, and the control group experienced a 2 pound weight loss. This may sound exceptional, however, it brings into question the validity of their claimed "clinical study".

Camping Cot

Sensa Scam - Does it Work?

Sensa Reviews and Sensa Scam

In a news segment broadcast by ABC News, the validity of the Sensa clinical trial was brought in to serious questioning. On that news segment, Dr. Hirsch was shown saying that the sense clinical trial was "Peer reviewed"; however, ABC News later uncovered that the Endocrine Society stated that "it would be incorrect to characterize Dr. Hirsch's study as having been rigorously peer reviewed by the Endocrine Society". In the scientific community, for a clinical study to hold any weight, it must be a peer reviewed study, meaning that it must be examined and reviewed by other experts in the same field. However, it is apparent that the Sensa study is not peer reviewed, although Dr. Hirsch claims otherwise.

What's more revealing is that the Endocrine Society went on to say that "they were surprised and troubled by the promotional nature of his presentation". Obviously, the Sensa presentation Dr. Hirsch made was more promotional than anything else. Dr. Pamela Peeke who also appeared on the ABC News segment said that: "There's no magic bullet, and there's no magic sprinkle."

So is Sensa really a weight loss scam?

That's not really for us to decide, so we'll let the users of Sensa to decide for themselves. The Sensa diet aid has appeared on numerous news reports, with some reporting users having positive weight loss results so far. However, I still remain skeptical about its effectiveness, and at a cost of USD for a one month supply, it is definitely not cheap. For about half the cost of Sensa you can purchase a weight loss program that's proven to work such as the Fat Loss for Idiots diet program.

Sensa Reviews and Sensa Scam

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Sensa Reviews Video Clips. Duration : 3.78 Mins.

dietpillcritic.com. According to the Sensa website this diet aid is Not a diet, not a pill, Sensa is as easy to use as salt and pepper. Sensa is actually a tastant (basically a substance that you sprinkle on your food before you eat) that is supposed to use your senses of smell and taste to tell your brain that you are full and thus help you lose weight.

Keywords: Sensa, Sensa review, Sensa reviews, Does Sensa work, Sensa scam, weight loss, diet, fat, skinny, supplements, work

วันอังคารที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Coleman Converta Cot

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Cheap Coleman Converta Cot Information

  • Convertible cot with 4-position backrest and 2-position footrest
  • Sits upright for afternoon lounging and folds flat for overnight sleeping
  • Durable powder-coated steel frame supports up to 225 pounds
  • Weather- and mildew-resistant fabric won't stretch or lose its shape
  • Measures 76 x 11.5 x 25 inches (W x H x D); weighs 11.6 pounds

Coleman Converta Cot Review

Go from poolside to campsite with the Coleman Converta Cot. By day, it-Inchs a comfortable lounge chair, with a 4-position adjustable back and 2-position adjustable footrest. By night, it folds down flat for comfortable sleeping. The Converta Cot measures 25-Inch wide by 76-Inch long by 11.5-Inch high, fitting one person up to 6-Inch2-Inch tall and supporting up to 225 pounds. It-Inchs durably constructed with a strong powder-coated steel frame, and weather-resistant polyester fabric that won-Incht stretch or lose its shape, so it stands up to repeated use.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Coleman Converta Cot

Cheap Offer 2000003077 for $39.98. Save on Coleman. Coleman Converta Cot Free Shipping. Save up to 50%

Coleman Converta Cot Review

   Brand: Coleman    Model : 2000003077    Original Price : $62.99    List Price : $39.98    You Save : 37%

Cheap Coleman Converta Cot Specifications

  • Convertible cot with 4-position backrest and 2-position footrest
  • Sits upright for afternoon lounging and folds flat for overnight sleeping
  • Durable powder-coated steel frame supports up to 225 pounds
  • Weather- and mildew-resistant fabric won't stretch or lose its shape
  • Measures 76 x 11.5 x 25 inches (W x H x D); weighs 11.6 pounds

Coleman Converta Cot Review

Go from poolside to campsite with the Coleman Converta Cot. By day, it-Inchs a comfortable lounge chair, with a 4-position adjustable back and 2-position adjustable footrest. By night, it folds down flat for comfortable sleeping. The Converta Cot measures 25-Inch wide by 76-Inch long by 11.5-Inch high, fitting one person up to 6-Inch2-Inch tall and supporting up to 225 pounds. It-Inchs durably constructed with a strong powder-coated steel frame, and weather-resistant polyester fabric that won-Incht stretch or lose its shape, so it stands up to repeated use.

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วันพุธที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot

Search This 15042 for $47.36. Save on Texsport. Best Buy Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot On Sale. Save up to 60%

Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot for $47.36

   Brand: Texsport    Model : 15042    Original Price : $48.49    List Price : $47.36    You Save : 2%

Cheap Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot Feature

  • 75" x 26" x 16"
  • Sturdy aluminum frame with steel legs
  • Water resistant coated 600 denier polyester cover with Velcro® wrap around closure for quick set-up
  • Weight limit of 250 lbs.
  • Heavy-duty carry/storage bag with shoulder strap and informational panel

Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot Review

Sturdy aluminum frame with steel legs is what holds up the Texsport Deluxe Folding Camp Cot. It is constructed of a water resistant coated 600 denier polyester cover with Velcro® wrap around closure for quick set-up. Includes a heavy-duty carry/storage bag with shoulder strap and informational panel.

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$47.36 (New)
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